I started this blog just because I like to write. I did had a blog back in college which for some reason we stopped.
So one day I though of creating a new blog. As recently I have been playing a lot with WordPress. So I though sharing the things i have learnt. So from that day I started writing here.
And there is a story behind how i came up with the name of the blog and the aryabhatt name which is a pen name i am using here. So i was just reading a book Ancient Hindu Science by Alok Kumar and there was a topic around Aryabhatta, while reading it I dont know why i felt like opening a blog.
So just made a blog and a pen name around Aryabhatta. And in sanskrit Arya means someone noble.
I still am not consistent with it just trying to improve by every day.
I am want to thank all of you who use this website. I hope i am able to help you out in someway.